Tempo Pull Ups in CrossFit??

Contrary to popular belief, strict pull ups are incredibly popular in CrossFit (for the majority of gyms anyway) and in 2019 we kicked our program off with some simple tempo bodyweight strength. This included Strict Pull Ups, Strict Handstand Push Ups and Pistol Squats.

Without this strength base how else would people be able to perform more advanced movements on the rings, pull up bar or when upside down? If your goal is to progress to advanced movements in the CrossFit realm, then master these bad boys with the slowest tempo possible. If you can then Ring Muscle Ups, Handstand Walks and some of the ‘sexier’ movements will start to become a possibility in 2019.

Todays conditioning piece to help torch some body fat:


15/12 Cal Assault Bike

15 Burpee To Plate

15 Plate Ground to Overhead

45 Drag Rope Double Unders (courtesy of @rxsmartgearaus via https://www.rxsmartgear.com.au )

15 Plate Ground to Overhead

15 Burpee To Plate

15/12 Cal Assault Bike